Today everyone is using computer and spent most of their day before it. This cause’s shoulder and neck tension. Don’t worry about it. You can cure it from your home. To relieve from it you have to do Uttanasana. By doing this asana you have other benefits also like body flexibility, stimulates nervous system, kidneys, spleen, etc.
Monthly Archives: March 2013
Which simple yoga helps to improve digestion?
Health is more important than wealth. Digestion is important to maintain health. There are various reasons for indigestion. If the digestive parts of your body get affected then your health will be mostly affected. By doing Parsvottanasana you can make the digestive parts of your body and health fit.
Pose, Steps and Benefits of Marichyasana C
Benefits of Marichyasana
• Stimulates abdominal organs
• Stretches spine, hamstrings and shoulders
• Reduce weight.
• Improves Digestion.
1. Sit the floor straight your both legs in front.
2. Bend the right leg.
3. Rotate upper body in the direction of your right knee. Enfold your left arm around the right knee, the felon of left elbow position the knee.
4. Hold the hands. Stay back straight entire the pose.
Before doing any asana you must know your health. When you feels pain while doing any asanas then you have to stop it immediately. A trained instructor can guide you in a better way.
Easy way to relieve tension
This is the fast world and it affects the people’s health. Tension is the badly hits the health of the people. This might be caused for various reasons. It might cause several problems in your health.
If you control it you might escape from those diseases. Prevention is better than cure. Yogasanas assists you to relieve from it.
Further the most important thing is it has no side effects. The asanas assisting to relieve the tension is Anjaneyasana. First you have do Adho Mukha Svanasana and then move to Anjaneyasana. If you do those asanas regularly then your tension would be relieved and your mind and health will be fresh.
Pose, Steps and Benefits of Paschimottanasana
Benefits of Paschimottanasana
- Calms the mind.
- Lengthens and stretches the complete spine.
- Relieves digestive problems, sciatica.
- Balances prana within body.
- Peaceful mind.
- Stimulate manipura chakra and nervous system.
- Massages the digestive organs.
- Develops the concentration.
- The legs back hamstrings are stretches.
- Reduce weight.
- Improves concentration.
Paschimottanasana Pose
- Sit with legs outstretched. The feet are one of the toes. Straighten your back and raise your hands. Rejoice, lengthen the spine, and keep chest and breath free.
- Slowly bend, stretch the head and try to support the lower back loses momentum. Make sure your feet do not move, and expensive.
- At the moment, you find yourself alone can warp or bend your back, place your legs, feet or ankles, hands. Pull the legs and ankles, or feet further stretching.
- Keep your shoulders low. Inhale and exhale the entire length of the spine and be relaxed. Each time you exhale, continue in the direction of the bending leg length without losing low back and the momentum back. When you lose power in your lower back, you will see that a large part of the rays, and have difficulty breathing losses.
- Extend arms forward.
- Slowly lift your torso. Keep your feet and adjacent fingers upward.
Weather sit up, and the position of origin.
Before doing any asana you must know your health. When you feels pain while doing any asanas then you have to stop it immediately. A trained instructor can guide you in a better way.
Pose, Steps and Benefits of Utkatasana
Benefits of Utkatasana
- Strengthens the torso and lower body. Stretch shoulders.
- Improve balance.
- Increases stamina.
- Reduce weight.
- First done mountain pose asana.
- Inhale and palms facing each other, raise the hands above the head, shoulder width apart. Relax your arms and shoulders. Not locking the elbows maintains the arms straight position.
- Exhale bend your knees sit the chair position you feel comfortable then extend the pose. Your hips did not go below knees. Your heels has stay in the floor.
- Upward your head and see straight.
- Stay on the pose at minimum10 to 60 sec.
- Finnish this pose by inhaling. Straighten the legs then exhale. The arms are down the sides. Go to mountain pose and finish this asana.
Utkatasana Video (Chair Pose)
[hana-flv-player video=”” width=”400″ height=”auto” description=”Utkatasana Video (Chair Pose)” player=”5″ autoload=”true” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” autorewind=”true” skin=”mejs-ted” /]
Before doing any asana you must know your health. When you feels pain while doing any asanas then you have to stop it immediately. A trained instructor can guide you in a better way.
Benefits of Hot Yoga
We do Hot yoga that time we got eight benefits. The benefits are
- Improve Flexibility
- Increase Strength
- Easy Breath
- Cardio
- Detox
- Focus
- Healing
- Peaceful Life
Try hot yoga. You have nothing to lose!
What is Hot Yoga?
Hot Yoga is one of the fastest styles of growth is Bikram yoga – set of 26 positions and two breathing exercises twice a room heated to 105 ° F. Bikram Yoga is a style of hot yoga, but not all hot yoga is Bikram yoga ….. a little confused? In fact, there are many different styles of yoga Baptiste Power, Moksha, The Barkan Method, Hot Vinyasa and Bikram course.
The differences between these styles have faith, philosophy, asanas (postures advanced), and access to heat.
How to Increase Flexibility with Yoga?
The following six yoga’s are most preferred to Increase Flexibility.
Pose, Steps and Benefits of upavistha konasana
Benefits of Upavistha Konasana
- Motivate abdominal functioning.
- Relieves sciatic pain and helps peaceful mind.
- Extremely helpful in variety of gynecological and menstrual problems.
- Releases muscles of the groins and hip joint.
- Strengthens and stretches the backs and insides spine and the legs.
- Develop pelvic circulation.
Upavistha Konasana Pose (Wide-legged forward bend Pose)
- Sit the floor with legs stretched before him as the Staff Pose or Dandasana.
- Slowly open legs, they can be placed at 90 degrees to the hips. Lean backside slightly as you does this.
- Now bend your hips slightly towards the ground.
- Slowly pin your leg to the floor so that your knees toward the ceiling.
- Extend the legs closer balls of your feet and heels if your toes also shows the ceiling.
- Now stretch your legs outstretched hands on the thighs firmly on the ground.
- During the time, so move the hip joint. Bend your waist. Bend your body and keep your fingers only.
- Keep it refers to several minutes, and slowly releases and go to initial position.
Upavistha Konasana Video (Wide-legged forward bend Pose)
[hana-flv-player video=”” width=”400″ height=”auto” description=”Upavistha Konasana Video (Wide-legged forward bend Pose)” player=”5″ autoload=”true” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” autorewind=”true” skin=”mejs-ted” /]
Before doing any asana you must know your health. When you feels pain while doing any asanas then you have to stop it immediately. A trained instructor can guide you in a better way.