Monthly Archives: April 2013
Pose, Steps and Benefits of Marichyasana A
Benefits of Marichyasana A
- Stimulates liver and kidneys functions.
- Improves digestive functions.
- Improves abdominal areas blood circulation.
- Stimulate brains proper functions.
- Strengthen shoulders.
Marichyasana A Pose
Step by Step
- First start with Dandasana.
- Bend your left leg at that time you place your left foot on the floor and also the left leg is maximum close to the left side sitting bone.
- Rotate a little inward your right leg and keep on strong and also bend your head and body near your right leg.
- Press right heel back and base of your big toe gone form pelvis.
- At that time pressing definitely beside the torso’s left side.
- Now go to the full pose, that time you will press the left shoulders back next to left knee’s inside and also twist your right torso.
- Use this level to grow longer and along the thigh of the left side torso.
- Reach your left hand forward and turn it into a thumbs down, palms facing outwards on the left side. If you take the left shows a front portion of the fuselage and excellent extended left leg under his arm. Then one end, sweeping around the outside.Vole forearm on the outside of the left thigh, or buttocks.
- Next breath, sweep the right arm behind his back. Terminals right in his left wrist. Inhale and stretch the upper body forward to keep the groin of the stomach for a long time. Enter part of the front wheel, mainly on the right foot. Make sure your shoulders do not compress the ears, pull the shoulder blades of a running back.
- Keep on this position for 30 seconds to one minute.
- Now you inhale.
- Do this asana for 30 seconds to one minute for other side also.
Before doing any asana you must know your health. When you feels pain while doing any asanas then you have to stop it immediately. A trained instructor can guide you in a better way.
Pose, Steps and Benefits of Matsyasana
Benefits of Matsyasana:
- Relieve neck, shoulders and throat tension.
- Strengthen the back neck and upper back.
- Relieve irritation and stress.
- Stimulates throat and belly organs.
- Reduce diabetes and asthma.
Fish Pose
- Start this asana with Corpse Pose.
- Your back also in the flat position, your arms are straight, on the floor put down your palms at that time place your hands in under your buttocks.
- Tip your head. Your top rest on the floor. Stay minimum 30 seconds.
- Now go to the fish pose, slip the head back and then inferior the chest.
- Go to finish this asana that time relaxes and does Corpse pose.
- Relax and inhale.
Before doing any asana you must know your health. When you feels pain while doing any asanas then you have to stop it immediately. A trained instructor can guide you in a better way.
Pose, Steps and Benefits of Savasana
Benefits of savasana
- Relaxes your body and middle nervous system.
- Calms your mind.
- Relive stress and depression.
- Reduces fatigue and headache.
- Improve sleep.
- Decreases the beta waves in brain and change slower brain waves.
Corpse Pose
- In Savasana it is very essential at that time the body be placed in a neutral position. Sit on the floor with your knees bent, lean back your forearms and feet on the floor.
- Raise your pelvis slightly off the floor and, with your hands, push back of the pelvis toward the tailbone, then return the pelvis to the floor.
- Inhale and gradually lengthen the right leg, then the left, just about through the heels.
- Release both legs, softening the groins, and see that the legs are angled evenly relative to the mid-line of the torso, and that the feet turn out equally.
- Slender the front pelvis and soften (but don’t flatten) the lower back.
- With your hands lift the base of the skull away release the back of the neck down toward the tailbone.
- If you have any difficulty doing this, support the back of the head and neck on a folded blanket.
- Enlarge the base of the skull too, and lift the streak of the neck diagonally into the center of the head.
- Make sure your ears are equidistant from your shoulders.
- Reach your arms toward the ceiling, at a 90 degree angle to the floor. Rock slightly from side to side and broaden the back ribs and the shoulder blades away from the spine. Then release the arms to the floor, angled evenly relative to the mid-line of torso.
- Turn the arms outward and stretch them away from the space between the shoulder blades.
- Rest the backs of the hands on the floor as close as you comfortably can to the index finger knuckles.
- Make sure the shoulder blades are resting evenly on the floor.
- Imagine the lower tips of the shoulder blades are lifting diagonally into your back toward the top of the sternum. From here, spread the collarbones.
- In addition to quieting the physical body in Savasana, it’s also necessary to pacify the sense organs. Soften the root of the tongue, the wings of the nose, the channels of the inner ears, and the skin of the forehead, especially around the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows.
- Let the eyes sink to the back of the head, then turn them downward to gaze at the heart. Release your brain to the back of the head.
- Stay in this pose for 5 minutes for every 30 minutes of practice.
- To finish this asana, first roll gently with an exhalation onto one side, preferably the right. Take 2 or 3 breaths.
- With another exhalation press your hands against the floor and lift your torso, dragging your head slowly after. The head should always come up last.
Before doing any asana you must know your health. When you feels pain while doing any asanas then you have to stop it immediately. A trained instructor can guide you in a better way.
Pose, Steps and Benefits of Ardha Matsyendrasana
Benefits of Ardha Matsyendrasana
- Increase hips and spine flexibility.
- Removes the wastes and improves digestion
- Stimulate heart, kidneys, liver, spleen and lungs.
- Open the neck, hips and shoulders.
- Relieve fatigue, sciatica, backache and menstrual discomfort.
- Clean the internal organs.
- Releases excess toxins and heat from tissues and organs.
- Energizes and stretches the backbone.
Half Lord of the Fishes Pose
- First go to staff pose.
- After bend your right knee.
- Place your right foot outer of your left thigh closely to your hip comfortable for you at that time your lap should point the upper limit.
- Turn your top head to point ceiling.
- At the back, place your right hand at that time the hand is very closely to your body. This hands finger is facing to you.
- Covering your left arm approximately your right knee.
- At that time hold the thigh to the torso.
- Now, Exhale, then turn right side of your body.
- Twist your head to your right shoulder.
- Doing this asana that time you feel pain in your back head and neck that time you have go to staff pose.
- Do this asana for 30 sec to one minute.
- Do the all steps (1 to 11) for another side.
Half Lord of the Fishes Pose Video
[hana-flv-player video=”” width=”400″ height=”auto” description=”Half Lord of the Fishes Pose Video” player=”5″ autoload=”true” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” autorewind=”true” skin=”mejs-ted” /]
Before doing any asana you must know your health. When you feels pain while doing any asanas then you have to stop it immediately. A trained instructor can guide you in a better way.
Pose, Steps and Benefits of Dandasana
Benefits of Dandasana
- Improve our body alignment
- Strengthens legs
Pose (Staff Pose)
- First sit on the floor and stretch your legs in front of you.
- Place your both hands in the both side floor near your body.
- After slowly inhale and exhale.
Dandasana Video (Staff Pose)
[hana-flv-player video=”” width=”400″ height=”auto” description=”Dandasana Video (Staff Pose)” player=”5″ autoload=”true” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” autorewind=”true” skin=”mejs-ted” /]
Before doing any asana you must know your health. When you feels pain while doing any asanas then you have to stop it immediately. A trained instructor can guide you in a better way.
How to reduce weight?
Reducing weight is a big concern for people today. In earlier days there are no machines and vehicles such as Mixie, grinder, washing machine, bike, car, etc. Hence everyone in the family works hard and they walk well. They burn their calories easily. Hence their health is fit.
They need not do exercise or anything to make their health fit. Now a day’s we are using machines and makes our work easier. The food habit has also changed a lot. It affects our bodies.
Every day we have to burn calories from our body to make us fit. Otherwise our body weight increases and we suffer a lot. When we move to a doctor and he advises us to reduce the weight.
Usually we used to jogging and walking several kilometers to reduce weight. Some days we forget to do it. Here is a way you can reduce your weight from your home. If you do Marichyasana you can reduce your weight. Further it stimulates the abdominal organs and improves digestion. Do it regularly and reap the benefits.
Pose, Steps and Benefits of Virasana
Benefits of virasana
- Relieve legs tiredness.
- Improve blood circulation in legs.
- Stretch the hip, ankles, feet, thighs and knees.
- Improve digestion.
- Relieve gas problems.
- Relieve the symptoms of menopause.
- Improve posture.
- During pregnancy it helps to reduce swelling of the legs (through second trimester).
- Therapeutic for high blood pressure and asthma.
Hero Pose (Virasana)
1. First kneel down, at that time parallel your hip girth separately.
2. Transfer a small in excess of hip girth with your above level on the floor.
3. Bend forward and twist the plump part of calves external with the hands.
4. Sit the floor among the feet and exhale. In your practice you feel any distress or properly not sit the floor first you will sit properly.
5. Place the hands on top of thighs shut your palms and knees facing down.
6. At that time relax the upper body and shoulders, tall and spine straight.
7. Tip the crown of head look straight and the ceiling.
8. Stay this pose from 30 sec to one minute. Relieve the feet, ankles and knees that time shake your legs.
Before doing any asana you must know your health. When you feels pain while doing any asanas then you have to stop it immediately. A trained instructor can guide you in a better way.
Pose, Steps and Benefits of Trikonasana
Benefits of Trikonasana
- Improve the spine flexibility.
- Correct the shoulder alignment.
- Reduce neck, knees and shoulders stiffness.
- Relieve gastritis, backache, indigestion, flatulence and acidity.
- Relieve lower back pain.
Triangle Pose
- First stand, at that time your hands are in your both side.
- Your legs distance must have minimum 30 inches to 45 inches.
- Raise both hands each side, parallel line of your shoulder.
- Gradually bend your right side at that time touch your left leg toe with your middle finger and forefinger of right hand at that time also raise your left hand towards sky. Fix your eyes towards left hand side.
- Do this for a short time, and after slowly go to the next position.
- Gradually bend your left side at that time touch your left leg toe with your middle finger and forefinger of left hand at that time also raise your right hand towards sky. Fix your eyes towards right hand side.
- Return to the base position; get down the raised hand of yours.
Trikonasana Video (Triangle Pose)
[hana-flv-player video=”” width=”400″ height=”auto” description=”Trikonasana Video (Triangle Pose)” player=”5″ autoload=”true” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” autorewind=”true” skin=”mejs-ted” /]
Before doing any asana you must know your health. When you feels pain while doing any asanas then you have to stop it immediately. A trained instructor can guide you in a better way.
Which simple yoga helps to increase stamina?
Yoga makes you mentally and physically fit. Hence everyone in the world gets attracted to it. People come to know that health is wealth. They are keen to learn asanas. Now we will see an asana by name Utkatasana. The benefits of this asana is
i) strengthens the torso
ii) increases stamina
iii) reduce weight
You can do this asana from your home.