Pose, Steps, Video and Benefits of Bidalasana

Benefits of Bidalasana

This asana coordinates the breath and your movement. It is an important theme in the practice of asanas.  Your hip position plays a vital part in each pose. Doing this asana looses your spine and back. It stretches your shoulder and neck. Cat Tilt position stretches the back muscles and the abdominal muscles gets contracted.  The spinal fluid gets stimulated. This improves the circulation through core and spine and digestive tract.

Pose of Cat Pose

Bidalasana (cat pose)Steps of Bidalasana

1.  Start on your hands and knees. Position your hands directly beneath your shoulders and your knees directly beneath the hips. Have your fingers fully spread with the middle fingers pointing straight ahead. Make your back horizontal and flat. Gaze at the floor. This is your “neutral” positioning. When your pelvis is in neutral, your spine will be at full extension, with both the front and back sides equally long.

2.  As you wait for the inner cue, do not sag into your shoulders. Instead, create a line of energy through each arm by pressing downward into your hands and lifting upward out of your shoulders. Go back and forth like this several times to make sure you understand the movement. As you exhale, sag into your shoulders and do the incorrect action; as you inhale, lengthen the arms, lift out of the shoulders and do the correct action.

3.  When you are ready to begin, breathe in deeply. As you exhale, turn your hips into Cat Tilt. Do this by gently pulling the abdominal muscles backward toward the spine, tucking the tailbone (coccyx) down and under, and gently contracting the buttocks. Press firmly downward with your hands in order to stay lifted out of the shoulders, and press the middle of your back toward the ceiling, rounding your spine upward. Curl your head inward. Gaze at the floor between your knees.

Video of Cat Pose

[hana-flv-player video=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqoPtheU-Q4″ width=”400″ height=”auto” description=”cat pose ” player=”5″ autoload=”true” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” autorewind=”true” skin=”mejs-ted” /]


Before doing any asana you must know your health. When you feels pain while doing any asanas then you have to stop it immediately. A trained instructor can guide you in a better way and must be observed if you suffer from any chronic or recent back pain or injury.


Which yoga helps to stimulate manipurachakra and nervous system?

Which yoga helps to stimulate manipurachakra and nervous systemDue to various reasons your nervous system and manipura chakra gets affected and it might cause several problems within you. Maintaining a good health is important. Because Health is Wealth. Paschimothanasana helps you to get relieved from these problems. It stimulates the nervous system and manipura chakra.  Further it calms your mind, the digestive organs get massaged, reduces weight and the concentration gets developed. Do this Yoga regularly and maintain your health.


Whether yoga helps to improve toe to head flexibility


If yoga asana helps to improve toe to head flexibilityEveryone wants to keep the body fit.  Doing asana in a proper way you can maintain your health.  Further it improves your body flexible. Padangusthasana makes your body more flexible from toe to head. It strengthens your spine, bones and legs. All your muscles get stretched. It relieves your high blood pressure and effectively checks your diabetes. Do this asana regularly and keep your mind and body in a healthy way.

Simple yoga helps to reduce weight

Simple yoga helps to reduce weight

Today people used to have junk foods often.  Doctors are cautioning about the junk foods. Without caring we used to take it.  Hence our body gets affected and the weight of our body increases.  It might cause several problems in our health. When we moved to the doctor for any problem then he advises to reduce weight.

You have to burn more calories from your body. You can reduce your weight from your house itself. Paschimothanasana helps you to reduce the weight. Doing it regularly you feel better.  Further it makes your mind feel free and improves your concentration skill. Why are you waiting? do this asana regularly and reduce your weight.

Simple way to develop concentration


In modern days everyone wants to learn more and wants to remind more.  Hence they need lot of concentration to learn everything they need. There are various factors affecting the people health and they could not concentrate on their jobs. Sometimes it might cost your job. If the students concentration fails then his career gets affected. Do you want to improve your concentration. You need not move to any place and develop your concentration. From your home you can develop it. An asana develops your concentration skill. It is Paschimottanasana. Doing this asana makes your mind calm. It stretches and lengthens the complete spine. It reduces your weight also.

Pose, Steps and Benefits of Tadasana

Benefits of Tadasana:

  • Relieves sciatica.
  • Strengthens knees, thighs, and ankles.
  • Steadies breathing.
  • At the same time develops flexibility and strength, particularly in the spine.
  • Reduces flat feet.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Relieves pains, aches, and tension throughout the body.
  • Encourages healthy elimination and digestion.
  • Firms buttocks and abdomen
  • Expels depression and dullness.
  • Increases power, strength and mobility in the feet, hips and legs.
  • Harmonizes mind and the body.
  • Increases awareness.
  • Increases enthusiasm and energy.
  • Improves posture.

Mountain Pose

Tadasana mountain pose


  1. Straightly stand, on the ground place your feet flat at that time your heels a little distance. Big toes bases are touching. The both feet between allocate your weight equally. Do this you will feel fully balance your weight in both feet.
  2. Stays your thigh muscles compact with no harden your belly.
  3. Raise your both hands and joined your two hands fingers.
  4. Extend the shoulders blades and a little bend towards the back after release slowly.
  5. At that time your head in a straight line with the middle of your pelvis, and also keep your chin floors parallel. Soften your eyes and throat.
  6. Stay this pose for minimum 30 seconds. Longer time you can keep balancing that time you may try to do one minute. Maintain to breathe easily.

Tadasana Video:

[hana-flv-player video=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQLLM76r1A8″ width=”400″ height=”auto” description=”Tadasana mountain pose” player=”5″ autoload=”true” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” autorewind=”true” clicktarget=”_blank” skin=”mejs-ted” /]


Before doing any asana you must know your health. When you feels pain while doing any asanas then you have to stop it immediately. A trained instructor can guide you in a better way.

Easy way to reduce diabetes!

easy way to reduce diabetesIn modern days people got affected diabetes and suffers a lot because of it. You might have the money and food you wish might be in-front of you. But you could not taste it. You have to inject insulin to control it.  If diabetes increases then your organs of the body gets affected and it makes many complications. By doing Padangusthasana you can control diabetes. Further this asana could improve flexibility, control nervousness, relieves gas from the body, increases the flow of blood in the brain, strengthens spine, bones and legs.  Further it relieves you from high blood pressure. Get relieved from diabetes and makes the world free from diabetes.

Pose, Steps and Benefits of Matsyasana

Benefits of Matsyasana:

  • Relieve neck, shoulders and throat tension.
  • Strengthen the back neck and upper back.
  • Relieve irritation and stress.
  • Stimulates throat and belly organs.
  • Reduce diabetes and asthma.

Fish Pose

Matsyasana, Fish pose


  1. Start this asana with Corpse Pose.
  2. Your back also in the flat position, your arms are straight, on the floor put down your palms at that time place your hands in under your buttocks.
  3. Tip your head. Your top rest on the floor. Stay minimum 30 seconds.
  4. Now go to the fish pose, slip the head back and then inferior the chest.
  5. Go to finish this asana that time relaxes and does Corpse pose.
  6. Relax and inhale.


Before doing any asana you must know your health. When you feels pain while doing any asanas then you have to stop it immediately. A trained instructor can guide you in a better way.

Pose, Steps and Benefits of Savasana

Benefits of savasana

  • Relaxes your body and middle nervous system.
  • Calms your mind.
  • Relive stress and depression.
  • Reduces fatigue and headache.
  • Improve sleep.
  • Decreases the beta waves in brain and change slower brain waves.

Corpse Pose

Corpse pose, Savasana


  1. In Savasana it is very essential at that time the body be placed in a neutral position. Sit on the floor with your knees bent, lean back your forearms and feet on the floor.
  2. Raise your pelvis slightly off the floor and, with your hands, push back of the pelvis toward the tailbone, then return the pelvis to the floor.
  3. Inhale and gradually lengthen the right leg, then the left, just about through the heels.
  4. Release both legs, softening the groins, and see that the legs are angled evenly relative to the mid-line of the torso, and that the feet turn out equally.
  5. Slender the front pelvis and soften (but don’t flatten) the lower back.
  6. With your hands lift the base of the skull away release the back of the neck down toward the tailbone.
  7. If you have any difficulty doing this, support the back of the head and neck on a folded blanket.
  8. Enlarge the base of the skull too, and lift the streak of the neck diagonally into the center of the head.
  9. Make sure your ears are equidistant from your shoulders.
  10. Reach your arms toward the ceiling, at a 90 degree angle to the floor. Rock slightly from side to side and broaden the back ribs and the shoulder blades away from the spine. Then release the arms to the floor, angled evenly relative to the mid-line of torso.
  11. Turn the arms outward and stretch them away from the space between the shoulder blades.
  12. Rest the backs of the hands on the floor as close as you comfortably can to the index finger knuckles.
  13. Make sure the shoulder blades are resting evenly on the floor.
  14. Imagine the lower tips of the shoulder blades are lifting diagonally into your back toward the top of the sternum. From here, spread the collarbones.
  15. In addition to quieting the physical body in Savasana, it’s also necessary to pacify the sense organs. Soften the root of the tongue, the wings of the nose, the channels of the inner ears, and the skin of the forehead, especially around the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows.
  16. Let the eyes sink to the back of the head, then turn them downward to gaze at the heart. Release your brain to the back of the head.
  17. Stay in this pose for 5 minutes for every 30 minutes of practice.
  18. To finish this asana, first roll gently with an exhalation onto one side, preferably the right. Take 2 or 3 breaths.
  19. With another exhalation press your hands against the floor and lift your torso, dragging your head slowly after. The head should always come up last.


Before doing any asana you must know your health. When you feels pain while doing any asanas then you have to stop it immediately. A trained instructor can guide you in a better way.