Types and Benefits of Hatha Yoga

Types and Benefits of Hatha Yoga

Shrishti Krama Hatha Yoga

Benefits – improve concentration, flexibility and energy

Rakshana Krama Hatha Yoga

Benefit – Body and mind relaxation.

Adhyatamika Krama Hatha Yoga

Benefit – To strengthen their bond with the inside.

Siksana Krama Hatha Yoga

BenefitAims at perfection in all asanas and the further development from pranayama exercises develops major instruments of yoga.

Chikitsa Krama Hatha Yoga

Benefit – Removing the dysfunctions from the body.

Shakti Krama Hatha Yoga

Benefit – developing power within the saints and yoga practitioners.


Meaning of Hatha yoga

Meaning of hatha yoga asanaHa meaning “sun” and tha meaning “moon,” Hatha yoga is generally translated as yoga, to unity “pairs of opposites.” Sometimes Hatha Yoga is also called as “full power yoga” because it requires a lot of physical effort. Hatha yoga is certainly yoga, this is the best of the West, which is one reason why there are so many definitions of Hatha Yoga is known.
In the Indian tradition, hatha yoga is one of the four great traditions of tantric yoga. Hatha yoga focuses primarily on practical tasks, (asanas) and breath control (pranayama), the subtle channels (Nadi) energy. So you could say, Hatha yoga focuses on the third and fourth stage of the Eightfold Path of Yoga Hatha Yoga Astanga.Tavoitteena is, of course, attached to it. Barriers to pratyahara steps (sense withdrawal), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi (Libra), and many schools of yoga Hatha see these additional under Hatha Yoga measures.

Hatha Yoga comes in many traditions and varieties, such as Kashmir Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, etc.


Which yoga helps to improve spine flexibility?

Which yoga helps to improve spine flexibility


In our body spine is an important one. If the spine gets affected then you will get lot of trouble. By doing exercise you can keep it fine.  An asana makes your spine fit and it is Trikonasana. It improves your spine flexibility. Further it reduce the stiffness of your knees, shoulder and neck. If you got lower back pain then do this asana. It relieves the pain. Do this asana and get relieved.

Pose, Steps and Benefits of Marichyasana A

Benefits of Marichyasana A

  • Stimulates liver and kidneys functions.
  • Improves digestive functions.
  • Improves abdominal areas blood circulation.
  • Stimulate brains proper functions.
  • Strengthen shoulders.

Marichyasana A Pose

Marichyasana A

Step by Step

  1. First start with Dandasana.
  2. Bend your left leg at that time you place your left foot on the floor and also the left leg is maximum close to the left side sitting bone.
  3. Rotate a little inward your right leg and keep on strong and also bend your head and body near your right leg.
  4. Press right heel back and base of your big toe gone form pelvis.
  5. At that time pressing definitely beside the torso’s left side.
  6. Now go to the full pose, that time you will press the left shoulders back next to left knee’s inside and also twist your right torso.
  7. Use this level to grow longer and along the thigh of the left side torso.
  8. Reach your left hand forward and turn it into a thumbs down, palms facing outwards on the left side. If you take the left shows a front portion of the fuselage and excellent extended left leg under his arm. Then one end, sweeping around the outside.Vole forearm on the outside of the left thigh, or buttocks.
  9. Next breath, sweep the right arm behind his back. Terminals right in his left wrist. Inhale and stretch the upper body forward to keep the groin of the stomach for a long time. Enter part of the front wheel, mainly on the right foot. Make sure your shoulders do not compress the ears, pull the shoulder blades of a running back.
  10. Keep on this position for 30 seconds to one minute.
  11. Now you inhale.
  12. Do this asana for 30 seconds to one minute for other side also.


Before doing any asana you must know your health. When you feels pain while doing any asanas then you have to stop it immediately. A trained instructor can guide you in a better way.

Pose, Steps and Benefits of Ardha Matsyendrasana

Benefits of  Ardha Matsyendrasana

  • Increase hips and spine flexibility.
  • Removes the wastes and improves digestion
  • Stimulate heart, kidneys, liver, spleen and lungs.
  • Open the neck, hips and shoulders.
  • Relieve fatigue, sciatica, backache and menstrual discomfort.
  • Clean the internal organs.
  • Releases excess toxins and heat from tissues and organs.
  • Energizes and stretches the backbone.

Half Lord of the Fishes Pose

Half Lord of the Fishes	- Ardha Matsyendrasana


  1. First go to staff pose.
  2. After bend your right knee.
  3. Place your right foot outer of your left thigh closely to your hip comfortable for you at that time your lap should point the upper limit.
  4. Turn your top head to point ceiling.
  5. At the back, place your right hand at that time the hand is very closely to your body. This hands finger is facing to you.
  6. Covering your left arm approximately your right knee.
  7. At that time hold the thigh to the torso.
  8. Now, Exhale, then turn right side of your body.
  9. Twist your head to your right shoulder.
  10. Doing this asana that time you feel pain in your back head and neck that time you have go to staff pose.
  11. Do this asana for 30 sec to one minute.
  12. Do the all steps (1 to 11) for another side.

Half Lord of the Fishes Pose Video

[hana-flv-player video=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8zkHHJFCqg” width=”400″ height=”auto” description=”Half Lord of the Fishes Pose Video” player=”5″ autoload=”true” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” autorewind=”true” skin=”mejs-ted” /]


Before doing any asana you must know your health. When you feels pain while doing any asanas then you have to stop it immediately. A trained instructor can guide you in a better way.

Pose, Steps and Benefits of Trikonasana

Benefits of Trikonasana

  • Improve the spine flexibility.
  • Correct the shoulder alignment.
  • Reduce neck, knees and shoulders stiffness.
  • Relieve gastritis, backache, indigestion, flatulence and acidity.
  • Relieve lower back pain.

Triangle Pose

Trikonasana - Triangle Pose


  1. First stand, at that time your hands are in your both side.
  2. Your legs distance must have minimum 30 inches to 45 inches.
  3. Raise both hands each side, parallel line of your shoulder.
  4. Gradually bend your right side at that time touch your left leg toe with your middle finger and forefinger of right hand at that time also raise your left hand towards sky. Fix your eyes towards left hand side.
  5. Do this for a short time, and after slowly go to the next position.
  6. Gradually bend your left side at that time touch your left leg toe with your middle finger and forefinger of left hand at that time also raise your right hand towards sky.  Fix your eyes towards right hand side.
  7. Return to the base position; get down the raised hand of yours.

Trikonasana Video (Triangle Pose)

[hana-flv-player video=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeSx53eoXok” width=”400″ height=”auto” description=”Trikonasana Video (Triangle Pose)” player=”5″ autoload=”true” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” autorewind=”true” skin=”mejs-ted” /]


Before doing any asana you must know your health. When you feels pain while doing any asanas then you have to stop it immediately. A trained instructor can guide you in a better way.